TPM_E_ERROR_MASK, 0x80280000
(MS WDK >> Windows Driver Kit for Windows Vista (WDK 6000))

-2144862208 знаковое целое / signed int
2150105088 беззнаковое целое / unsigned int
0x80280000 шестнадцатеричное значение / heximal value
Windows user mode error code (HRESULT)
Это шаблон для преобразования аппаратных ошибок TPM в ошибки Win.
Описание (Eng)
This is an error mask to convert TPM hardware errors to win errors.
C/C++ тип
Где определено
файл \inc\api\WINERROR.H, строка 35968 (Windows Driver Kit for Windows Vista (WDK 6000))
#define TPM_E_ERROR_MASK                 _HRESULT_TYPEDEF_(0x80280000L)
TPM Services and TPM Software Error Messages

The TPM services and TPM software facilities are used by the various
TPM software components. There are two facilities because the services
errors are within the TCG-defined error space and the software errors
are not.

The following are the subranges within the TPM Services facility.
The TPM hardware errors are defined in the document
TPM Main Specification 1.2 Part 2 TPM Structures.
The TBS errors are slotted into the TCG error namespace at the TBS layer.

0x0000 - 0x08ff     TPM hardware errors
0x4000 - 0x40ff     TPM Base Services errors (tbssvc.dll)

The following are the subranges within the TPM Software facility. The TBS
has two classes of errors - those that can be returned (the public errors,
defined in the TBS spec), which are in the TPM services facility,  and
those that are internal or implementation specific, which are here in the
TPM software facility.

0x0000 - 0x00ff     TPM device driver errors (tpm.sys)
0x0100 - 0x01ff     TPM API errors (tpmapi.lib)
0x0200 - 0x02ff     TBS internal errors (tbssvc.dll)
0x0300 - 0x03ff     TPM Physical Presence errors

TPM hardware error codes {0x0000..0x08ff}
This space is further subdivided into hardware errors, vendor-specific
errors, and non-fatal errors.

TPM hardware errors {0x0000..0x003ff}



This is an error mask to convert TPM hardware errors to win errors.
Зависит от
Ещё используется в
Windows Driver Kit 7.1.0 (WDK 7600.16385.1), Windows Driver Kit 7.0.0 (WDK 7600.16385.0), Windows Driver Kit – Server 2008 Release SP1 (WDK 6001.18002)
MUI описание
TR Bu, TPM donanım hatalarını Windows hatalarına dönüştürme maskesidir.
HU Ez a hibamaszk a TPM hardverhibák Windows hibákká való konvertálására szolgál.
NB Dette er en feilmaske som konverterer TPM-maskinvarefeil til Win-feil.
PT Trata-se de uma máscara de erro para converter erros de hardware de TPM em erros do Windows.
IT Maschera per la conversione di errori hardware TPM in errori di Windows.
FI Tämä on virhepeite, jota käytetään muunnettaessa TPM-laitevirheitä Windows-virheiksi.
ES Ésta es una mascara de error para convertir errores de hardware de TPM en errores de WIN.
CS Maska chyb pro převod hardwarových chyb čipu TPM na chyby systému Windows.
DA Dette er en fejlmaske til konvertering af TPM-hardwarefejl til Windows-fejl.
KO TPM 하드웨어 오류를 win 오류로 변환하는 오류 마스크입니다.
PL To jest maska błędu do konwertowania błędów sprzętowych modułu TPM na błędy systemu Windows.
NL Dit is een foutmasker om TPM-hardwarefouten om te zetten in winfouten.
EL Αυτή είναι μια μάσκα σφαλμάτων για τη μετατροπή σφαλμάτων υλικού TPM σε σφάλματα win.
DE Dies ist eine Fehlermaske, die zum Konvertieren der TPM-Hardwarefehler in Win-Fehler verwendet wird.
FR Il s’agit d’un masque d’erreurs pour convertir les erreurs du module de plateforme sécurisée (TPM) en erreurs win.
JA これは、TPM ハードウェア エラーを win エラーに変換するためのエラー マスクです。
ZH 这是一种将 TPM 硬件错误转换为 Windows 错误的错误掩码。
SV Det här är en felmask som konverterar TPM-maskinvarufel till Windows-fel.